Odonata.Bogfoot.net: a Site by Jim Johnson Contact: bogfoot (at) bogfoot.net

Photos of Submerged Endophytic Oviposition

Read a blog post about this behavior at Northwest Dragonflier.
Calopteryx angustipennis — Appalachian Jewelwing
Female ovipositing submerged; Wilson Creek, Caldwell Co., North Carolina, USA; 31 May 2009.
Calopteryx angustipennis 20090531_0065, Appalachian Jewelwing
Calopteryx aequabilis — River Jewelwing
Female ovipositing submerged; South Fork John Day River, Grant Co., Oregon, USA; 5 Jul 2008.
Calopteryx aequabilis 20080705_0085, River Jewelwing
Lestes disjunctus — Northern Spreadwing
Pair ovipositing in tandem a few inches below the water surface, Frater Lake, Pend Oreille Co., Washington, USA; 23 August 2008.
Lestes disjunctus 20080823_0168, Northern Spreadwing